Custom brandy distillation for Wineries.
Aged Brandy
The classic brandy that wineries have been producing and selling for generations, barrel aged brandy is a classy addition to any winery’s catalog. While time consuming, aged brandy provides a depth of flavor and complexity that is unparalleled by most other spirits. We offer multiple tiers of distillation and barrels to fit any winery’s budget and timeline!
Neutral Brandy
Neutral brandy is a special classification of brandy that has to be distilled to a very high proof (170-190), giving it less flavor and more flexibility. Many wineries use neutral brandy for fortification, however it can also be fast aged in barrel or infused with botanicals to create a unique and tasty spirit that wineries can sell in their tasting rooms!
The traditional Italian spirit produced from fermented grape pomace, grappa can be a fresh and fun addition to any winery’s catalog. While production is more time consuming and the yields are lower than brandy, good grappa can hold its own against many fine brandies. Ask us about our grappa process and how we can help you expand your brand!